Since 1996, I have been training as a pyrotechnician, and in 2001, I traveled to China to take the official Pyrotechnics Examination. From a young age, I had a fascination with fireworks. In school, I explored this interest through various practical and theoretical lessons in chemistry, focusing on explosives.

Before my trip to China in 2001, I had to pass several theoretical tests. This field requires a great deal of courage and interest. During my time in China, I visited multiple factories to gain comprehensive knowledge of how different types of fireworks are manufactured. Each factory specializes in specific types of fireworks; therefore, visiting various sites was essential to understand the full spectrum of pyrotechnic production. Fireworks are categorized into two calibers: 1.4 (consumer fireworks) and 1.3 (professional fireworks). Consumer fireworks can be sold to anyone without a diploma or certificate, commonly seen at the end of each year in Curaçao. Professional fireworks, however, must be organized and ignited by a certified pyrotechnician.

After completing my training in China and earned my Diploma, I continued my education in the United States in 2003, visiting different factories and receiving lessons from expert pyrotechnicians. Eventually, I earned my Pyrotechnician Diplomain the USA. I frequently visit China and the United States to stay updated and expand my knowledge in this field.

The diploma I received in China is recognized in certain parts of the world, and combined with my certification from the United States, I have become an International Pyrotechnician. In 2008, I obtained my Pyrotechnics Guild International (PGI) certification in Puerto Rico, which is internationally recognized. I achieved my “Master” certification in the United States. There are different levels within this profession, and upon receiving my “Master” certification, I became qualified to lead a team of seven during fireworks shows. This certification allowed me to participate in various international fireworks displays in places such as Vlaardingen (Netherlands), Spain, Aruba, Bonaire, Puerto Rico, the United States, China, and St. Maarten. The longest display I have conducted lasted 57 minutes and took place in Curaçao.

I recall an interview conducted at the Curaçao Airport, which aired on a Dutch television program. This exposure led to recognition by the Curaçao community in Belgium, inspiring them to invite me to assist with a fireworks show in the Netherlands. Despite the stringent fireworks regulations in the Netherlands, we successfully created an impactful show.

Currently, I have 23 years of experience as a recognized pyrotechnician and lead a team of 12 shooters. Since 2012, I have also been designing fireworks under my own brand, dedicating myself to creating unique and inspiring displays. My mission is to ensure that every show I create brings joy to everyone. None of my shows are repetitive; the “3D” aspect came into play when I started designing fireworks with 3D effects, which viewers can experience using 3D glasses that we provide. This creates a unique and immersive experience.

I have spent the last six years passing on my knowledge. I no longer ignite fireworks myself but leave this task to one of my team members. We are often contracted for various events, including weddings, birthdays, business events, and more. Recently, I have been teaching my son about this profession, preparing him to take over in the future.

Safety is always paramount when designing and displaying fireworks. The final product should never pose a danger to the community. I prefer vibrant and colorful shows, always accompanied by sound. I remember once creating a sound so intense that I doubted I could design anything better. Fortunately, to this day, no accidents have occurred during any of our shows at Curaçao 3D Fireworks. Each display is executed with the utmost caution and emergency measures in place.

Always prioritize safety when handling or being near fireworks. Never attempt anything beyond your knowledge in this field. Always consult a certified professional to avoid any potential accidents.